JFlash Homepage: Flash Card Learning program written in Java
JFlash was originally developed by William Lee. This original version can still be found.
In 2004 we started with the development of an extended version and moved it to the Sourceforge server.
Learning with flash cards is efficient when done properly. The JFlash program supports intelligent learning. However, yo can print out cards and learn manually (which also has its advantages).
Download the actual version from Sourceforge. To install JFlash you need a Java Runtime environment 1.4 or greater. Then you can unzip JFlash to the directory you want to work from afterwards. Double-clicking on jflash.jar should in most cases start the application.
The documentation is included in the Zip-file you can download. It comes as a PDF together with its Open Offcie source document.
Support, Bugs, Feature Requests
Read the documentation, if you don't get an answer from that or if you find a bug or need a feature, please add it to the tracking system.
Current development
Currently new features are added at a slow but steady rate. We also will create and review now card sets more seriously.
Card Sets
You are encouraged to create your own card sets to learn all possible. We would be happy to put your card sets into the download section, when: